Root Canal


Removal of a Fractured Implant Screw

In the last two decades, dental implants have become the most dependable and well-established strategy for replacing missing teeth. With high success rates and a dramatic improvement in patients' ability to chew and speak with confidence, they are the restoration of choice for many dentists.

Unfortunately, Dental Implants can fail biologically (osseointegration) when the patient's bone and implant fastener fail to fuse, or mechanically when dental implant components break. Thankfully, this occurs in less than 4% of instances and is readily rectifiable.

One of the most common mechanical defects we encounter is screw fracture, which is caused by improper tightening torque, excessive occlusal loads, and structurally inadequate screw material. A loose screw will be more susceptible to fracture due to its increased susceptibility to excessive lateral pressures.

At Smile Hub Dental Clinic, we have extensive experience coping with fractured implant screws and can retrieve the broken piece with minimal surgical intervention and patient discomfort.



General Treatments

Our patients in North Dublin receive the best general dentistry care. Dublin's top dentist for general dentistry.

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Root Canal Treatment

Root canal procedures are necessary when the the soft tissue located inside the root canal, becomes irritated.

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Cosmetic Dentistry

Our skilled dentists provide the latest aesthetic dentistry techniques to help you obtain a beautiful smile.

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Opening Hours


7.30am to 10pm


7.30am to 10pm


7.30am to 10pm


7.30am to 10pm


7.30am to 10pm


7.30am to 10pm


7.30am to 10pm

Late Night Family Dentist, Open 7 Days a Week
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01 525 2805
